FYCI Collaborates with PPJ on the Shun Corruption Project

The Shun Corruption Project

FYCI is collaborating with Priests Peace and Justice Initiative (PPJ), the social arm of Palace of Priests Assembly (PPA), on the Mobilising Christians Against Corruption (MOCAC) Project, also known as the Shun Corruption Project.

The Shun Corruption Project is supported by the MacArthur Foundation, and is situated within the Foundation’s faith-based cohort. It utilises a faith-based approach to encourage Pentecostal Christians to join the fight against corruption.

The project’s approach is based on the ‘3S Outcome Model’ – beneficiaries are empowered to SHUN Corruption, SPEAK UP and STAND UP (take action) against Corruption. The project has established platforms, such as Ministers Against Corruption, Women Against Corruption, and Youth Vanguard Against Corruption. FYCI’s focus will be on the Youth Vanguard Against Corruption.

The Executive Director of FYCI, Mrs Loveth Anthony-Iyortyer, speaking yesterday at the launch of MOCAC 2.0, explained that FYCI’s collaboration with PPJ will involve setting up Shun Corruption Clubs, organising events and competitions, organising mentoring programmes, and engaging youth on social media.

Mrs Anthony-Iyortyer speaking at the launch of MOCAC 2.0

1. Shun Corruption Clubs

Shun Corruption Clubs will be the main focus of FYCI’s intervention, as they will serve as veritable platforms for the other activities during this project, including training and capacity building, events and competitions, mentoring programmes, and social media engagement.

The clubs will be set up and run by PPA/PPJ’s existing partners across the country who are interested in establishing these clubs in their locations on behalf of the project. FYCI will support by providing guidelines for the establishment and running of these clubs, and having an orientation session with facilitators and mentors on Zoom.

2. Events and Competitions

FYCI will organise a variety of events with young people, including panel discussions, webinars, podcasts, talk shows, one-on-one interviews, and discussions on WhatsApp groups. FYCI will also organise at least one large-scale competition inviting youth across the country to express anti-corruption issues in creative ways. Competition winners will be given prizes, and inaugurated as Shun Corruption Ambassadors.

3. Mentorship Programmes

In addition to PPJ’s process of pairing mentors with individual mentees, FYCI will also be supporting interested persons to serve as mentors for Shun Corruption Clubs. These mentors will not be responsible for the day-to-day running of the clubs, but can provide overall guidance and support to club members, including grooming them to join the fight against corruption. Club members are expected to learn from this mutually beneficial relationship, and continue to fight against corruption even after the project duration.

4. Social Media Engagement

FYCI will engage youth on social media by publicising our training materials, events, competitions, and creative outputs from our beneficiaries. Through this, we seek to further simulate discussions around anti-corruption issues.

Concluding, Mrs Anthony-Iyorter explained that the expected outcomes of this project are:

  • Increased youth knowledge and understanding of anti-corruption issues.
  • Increased discussions among youth on anti-corruption issues in schools and Churches, at home, and on social media.
  • Increased sense of personal responsibility among youth to fight corruption within their spaces.
  • Young people actively using the creative arts to encourage others to join the fight against corruption.

At the end of Mrs Anthony-Iyortyer’s presentation, some participants made commitments to set up clubs in their various locations. If you are interested in joining these persons, either as a facilitator, mentor, or member of the club, kindly email us at contact@fyci.org.

FYCI Admin

FYCI Admin

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